CN: Common-Name: Ldap-Display-Name: cn: Size: Average size is 64 bytes. Update Privilege: Domain administrator: Update Frequency: Only when a new object is created.

Common Name: ou: Organizational Unit: dc: Domain Component: The AdsPath of an object in Active Directory (the binding string) consists of the provider moniker (LDAP://) appended to the Distinguished Name of the object. The Distinguished Name specifies not just the name of the object, but also its location in the Active Directory hierarchy. LDAP - Use Logon Name Instead of Display Name | Fortinet Jan 27, 2014 Fortigate LDAP Server configuration examples, for use with The Fortigate’s LDAP Server configuration can be used to authenticate users via HTTP, FTP or Telnet prior to accessing a resource or can be used with VPN authentication. If the FortiGate’s “Common Name Identifier” is left to default of “cn”, then the (Windows Server) user’s ‘Full Name… Configure LDAP settings - Sitefinity CMS Security

Full distinguished name (DN), including common name (CN), of an LDAP user account that has privileges to query the LDAP database of user accounts on behalf of Atlas. This could be a read-only LDAP user.

Find LDAP Distinguished Names (DN) To configure LDAP for LoopEdge, you must have the DN information from the LDAP server. Bind DN An LDAP Bind DN supplies the user and the user location in the LDAP directory tree. The LDAP client configuration file contains this information. You can access it in the following directory:

An LDAP directory’s hierarchy is built from containers such as the organizational unit (ou), organization (o), and domain controller (dc). The path to an entry is a Distinguished Name (DN) that uniquely identifies a user or group. User and group names typically have attributes such as a common name (cn) or unique ID (uid).

Attribute-Names are the LDAP Descriptor or "NAME" or "short names (descriptors)" or the Attribute in AttributeTypes. Attribute-Names OPTIONAL Short Names (descriptors) is a set of human-readable NAMEs that may also be used to refer to the AttributeType. If there is a SINGLE-VALUE NAME, then it should be enclosed I tried making the username attribute lowercase, I get the same results. What I notice in the ldap.module file, at line 97. The ldap.bind function has a concatenation of "user attribute" to the username plus base DN. This only works if the common name(cn) and sAMAccountName are the same. I really appreciate you making changes to the code. Ron CN = Common Name; OU = Organizational Unit; DC = Domain Component; These are all parts of the X.500 Directory Specification, which defines nodes in a LDAP directory. You can also read up on LDAP data Interchange Format (LDIF), which is an alternate format. A common alternative method of securing LDAP communication is using an SSL tunnel. The default port for LDAP over SSL is 636. The use of LDAP over SSL was common in LDAP Version 2 (LDAPv2) but it was never standardized in any formal specification. This usage has been deprecated along with LDAPv2, which was officially retired in 2003. An object name without a path, or a partial path, is called a relative distinguished name, or RDN. The common name cn=CSantana is an example of an RDN. So is cn=CSantana,cn=Users. The RDN serves the same purpose as a path fragment in a filename. It is a convenient navigational shortcut.