To run the test, you'll be connected to M-Lab and your IP address will be shared with them and processed by them in accordance with their privacy policy. M-Lab conducts the test and publicly publishes all test results to promote internet research. Published information includes your IP address and test results, but doesn't include any other information about you as an internet user. Learn more
May 19, 2016 Netflix streaming quality seems to have halved or more Netflix streaming quality seems to have halved or more. Thursday, March 26, 2020 10:33 PM; 8 comments; Netflix was reportedly going to lower its streaming quality across Europe by 25%, but it appears that the bit rates being served to customers may have dropped a … Speed Test: Test the Speed of Your Internet Connection
Netflix Testing Streaming At Different Speeds | The Daily
Test your internet connection speed using Netflix's free Dec 13, 2017 Australia - Netflix
6 steps to solving your streaming video problems | TechHive
Netflix HD Video. To watch Netflix in HD, ensure you have an HD plan, then set your video quality setting to High or Auto. Titles will play in HD as long as you have a connection speed of 5.0 megabits per second or faster. Using Netflix servers, works like other globally available tools including, and the results should be similar in most cases. This consumer speed test is different than our Netflix ISP Speed Index. measures your personal Internet connection at any given time. The speed index measures average monthly speeds of