Nov 08, 2016 · Using sudo -i is virtually the same as the sudo su command. Users can gain root by “sudo” and not by switching to the root user. Much like sudo su, the -i flag allows a user to get a root environment without having to know the root account password.

Aug 15, 2018 · For developers, sudo access can be very useful for automating steps in build scripts. This article covers how to configure sudo access so you won’t need to use su and keep entering the root password. It also explains how to enable sudo during system installation. We can also use sudo in combination with the su command to enter an interactive root shell, rather than entering every command with the sudo prefix. [[email protected] ~]$ sudo su - Last login: Tue Aug 30 11:49:01 AEST 2016 on pts/0 [[email protected] ~]# whoami root Similarly, we can get a shell with the -i flag. Without further arguments su will run the login shell for root. That's what the first line of your script actually does. When you exit, the login shell closes, su returns and your script continues execution, that is with the second line: ls /root. I think you can simply sudo ls /root to do what you want. Jan 28, 2014 · sudo su-Use the SFTP protocol. Test connecting with WINSCP using the SFTP protocol using the bitnami (low priviledge user) and your private key. Find the location of the sftp server, you will enter this into WINSCP later $ whereis sftp-server; On the Advanced tab of the WINSCP specify the sudo -s command to run the server as su. Dec 09, 2019 · So you either need to specify the full PATH to the command if you just used 'su' (eg, /sbin/ifconfig) or use 'su -' when becoming root. 2. Using sudo. You don't need to be root every time you want to run some specific administrative tasks. Thanks to sudo, you can run some or every command as root.

We can also use sudo in combination with the su command to enter an interactive root shell, rather than entering every command with the sudo prefix. [[email protected] ~]$ sudo su - Last login: Tue Aug 30 11:49:01 AEST 2016 on pts/0 [[email protected] ~]# whoami root Similarly, we can get a shell with the -i flag.

Jun 18, 2019 · The sudo command also makes it easier to practice the principle of least privilege (PoLP), which is a computer security concept that helps control system access and potential system exploits and compromises. For more information about the sudo command, visit A. P. Lawrence's Using sudo page. The su command. The su command allows you to become 'sudo su -' has a child of 'su -', and 'su -' has a child of '-su'. As mentioned above, root user can do 'su -' without entering password, so doing 'su -' inside of a root shell, you will have two different root shell processes. ending the inner one will let you return back to the outer one. Sous Ubuntu l'utilisateur root n'est pas actif et il n'est donc pas possible d'exécuter la commande su root. On peut en revanche utiliser sudo, l'utilisateur créé à l'installation est membre des sudoers. Pour activer le compte root, il faut lui attribuer un mot de passe avec la commande : sudo passwd root.

Without further arguments su will run the login shell for root. That's what the first line of your script actually does. When you exit, the login shell closes, su returns and your script continues execution, that is with the second line: ls /root. I think you can simply sudo ls /root to do what you want.

Jan 14, 2019 · You can exit the root command prompt and become a normal user again by using the exit command as follows: # exit. Get Temporary root access through the sudo command. Instead of logging in as a root in the command line and getting on to the # (root user) command prompt, you can use the sudo command with your other commands to temporarily become Mar 01, 2019 · Before you move into configurations, make sure that the user is having NOPASSWD access to sudo to target user or root account. This means /etc/sudoers file must have entry something like below – user1 ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL Once you have proper sudo configuration you can go ahead with WinSCP config. This is to ensure that once shell tries See sudo documentation to learn how to do that. For example you can add following line to sudoers file (/etc/sudoers): yourusername ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL The above line is very permissive, it allows user yourusername connected from anywhere (the first ALL) to run any command (the second ALL) as a root without being asked for password. So you should