Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who leaked detailed National Security Agency documents on how information is stockpiled on millions of Americans, said he could have "shut down the surveillance system in an afternoon" had he intended to harm the US.

The Prism and Upstream programs made it through Congress without much fuss. Colin McDonald/CNET and that's what he was doing when Snowden leaked information on Prism and Upstream. NSA PRISM Slides - IC OFF THE RECORD NSA Prism program slides. The NSA in Germany: Snowden's Documents Available for Download. Hunting for Hackers, NSA Secretly Expands Internet Spying at U.S. Border . Analysis. What is known about NSA's PRISM program. New insights into the PRISM program . View all documents released to date related to PRISM . View more leaks. IC OFF THE RECORD - 2013 Edward Snowden | Biography & Facts | Britannica Jun 17, 2020

Courage Snowden

NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program - The

Edward Snowden discloses U.S. government operations - HISTORY

What information did Edward Snowden precisely reveal? - Quora Scope and detail of the information Snowden revealed : * First and foremost : Secret court orders in USA gave an allowance to NSA to sweep up Americans' phone records ! Snowden's first hydrogen bomb was that "Verizon" had been providing the NSA Edward Snowden Interview Transcript FULL TEXT: Read the Jun 09, 2013 Huawei Now Just Trolling U.S. by Dredging Up Edward Snowden Snowden revealed the NSA’s PRISM program in June of 2013 as one of the American intelligence community’s tools for spying on the entire world. Following his historic leak of classified NSA prism - Mashable